Keep 'em believin' series Part V


In the year of coronavirus, masks and state restrictions how will it affect your children's annual visit with Santa Claus?

The impact varies depending on where you are. For instance, Minnesota has restricted all Santa Meet and Greets. And for the first time in 160 years, Santa won't be at Macy’s in New York City although he will be at the Macy's Parade on Thanksgiving Day.

And for Santas that will be seeing kids in person, it will surely look a lot different. Expect to see plexiglass in many “North Pole” satellite locations. The president of the International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas shared his thoughts in this article, Sad Santa, on There are no easy answers for a Santa that just wants to make children smile.

So it goes without saying, this year has been tough on all of us, including Santa. While we understand this, kids need their cherished traditions more than ever!

We are not here to add more anxiety to an already stressful year. Our goal is to inspire ideas that will help your family experience more Christmas magic, not less. We want to encourage you to let this year become an opportunity to create new experiences based on our much-loved traditions.

Santa Kringle LLC has created a unique virtual experience so your kids can keep their yearly visit with Santa, and they will actually get to spend more personalized time with Kris Kringle (compared to the mall)! This experience was created last year, as a service to those that don’t have an easily accessible Santa near them, and for families stationed overseas. But it can bless so many more children this year out of an unexpected need due to the current pandemic.

This special experience allows children the opportunity to see and talk to Santa while he is hard at work inside of his workshop. He will call the children by name. They have an extended opportunity to talk, tell jokes, and of course discuss that all important wishlist!

This gives the participants an enchanting perspective of the hustle and bustle at the North Pole. Elves are decorating, and they will even see Santa’s head elf testing the brand new automatic package wrapping system.

In the video I was able to preview, Santa talks about the #1 question my kids had about Santa going down all those chimneys: how does he not get burned in the behind?  I remember asking the same question as a child, so I was tickled that he was able to finally give me answers!

After the visit, Santa will mail the children a Nice Certificate. Parents will receive a video of the visit, so they can always remember their meeting with Santa, and so they can share it with family and friends.

Santa Kringle LLC also offers a video called “Camera Caught Claus” where children can see Santa Claus at their own Christmas tree while he is making deliveries! Parents send in a photo or short video of their Christmas tree. Then, magically, they will receive a video of Santa Claus at their tree, leaving a personalized Nice Certificate for the children.

You can find out more about these options at the Santa Kringle LLC website:

Of course, writing to Santa Claus is risk free too, as long as kids follow simple rules. Many sites offer opportunities to write to Santa Claus. But you want to be sure to keep your kids safe by making sure:

  1. They don’t give out their last name
  2. They never share their home address.

If they worry that Santa needs this info remind them that the real Santa already knows both of these things.

 [North Pole Times Post Office]

To keep writing to Santa safe and fun, we recommend the Post Office at The North Pole Times. There kids can email Santa and Santa will even email them back (For realism, the response is set for the following day. Santa is extra busy this time of year). Kids can even keep a wishlist on the site.

And while Santa Claus isn't as freely coming to town right now, all of us can take this opportunity to play Kris Kringle in our own communities. The origins of Santa trace back to Saint Nick, a fourth century saint known for his generosity, which made him famous. Sailors of the time would tell stories around the globe of his generosity giving hope to those in need (you can read more of his origin story here).

And the world surely needs more of the hope and the generosity that Santa inspires. So write a note to a neighbor. Offer to walk their dog. Leave little gifts on their doorstep. Share your favorite ideas with us!

We all need Santa more than ever this year! And thankfully there are opportunities to embrace that need!


For proof that Santa is real, pick up one of our magical Santa Proof Kits.